Bergerson Design


Autonomous vehicles will also accomplish these things.

    • Reduce the importation of oil, and end oil importation from The Middle East through creating economic conditions that favor electric vehicles.1
    • Consequently make irrelevant the cultural conflict between Judeo-Christian and Islamic cultures that dominates global politics and trade today.2
    • Remove the root source of terrorism.3
    • Bankrupt many Middle Eastern economies.4
    • Remove the means by which most municipalities collect a substantial amount of their revenue5
    • Initially put 7 million people out of work in America, and more like thirty million internationally.6
    • On a more personal note, relieve parents of having to spend their entire lives being chauffeurs for their kids.
    • Autonomous vehicles will eventually marginalize automobile enthusiasm in America and the rest of the world. Automobile enthusiasm in 50 years will look like what horse enthusiasm looks like today.7

Bergerson Design Work and Portfolio:
I'm a lifelong car addict, science nerd, sci-fi geek, and general automotive and everything mechanical enthusiast. I have twenty years of experience as a graphic & industrial designer, project manager and business owner & founder. I am also an entrepreneur who grew two businesses from start up to over $5M in value through superior organizational skills, effective personnel management and original creative thinking.